Tag Archives: video games

Week Wrap-up: 03 December 2018 – 09 December 2018

It’s been forever since I did one of these, but I like them, so too bad, people who were happy for their absence! The Good Had a good date time with a good guy who I’ve been liking very much … Continue reading

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Thanksgiving 2018

It’s Thanksgiving in the US! Which is heeeeeella loaded, given that it’s founded on a myth that covers up historical atrocities. But I do like the parts of the holiday that encourage reflection and being thankful for what we have. … Continue reading

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Patch Notes: October

It’s fall, a time of changes and really trite observations about the nature of the season. Things have felt like they’re changing Like Whoa in my life, too, so I guess the leaves and I have something in common besides … Continue reading

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Week Wrap-up: 20 August 2018 – 02 September 2018

Hey, another two-week wrap-up post because shit’s been crazy, y’all. The Good Got to do some volunteer work at WTBBL that involved writing book recommendations and such. Really satisfying to get a chance to do more in-depth librarian-oriented work. Continuing … Continue reading

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Week Wrap-up: 11 June 2018 – 17 June 2018

This last week was actually really uneventful? It was sort of nice. I haven’t written one of these in a while, but I suppose those other weeks will just be lost to time. How sad. Anyway: Still waiting to hear … Continue reading

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Gameboy Camera Zooming and Peripheral Bit Rot

In very cool, very retro news, a photographer named Bastiaan Ekeler made a zoom lens for his Gameboy Camera. It’s a very impressive modification, letting him take full-frame shots of objects as far away as the Moon. There’s something incredibly … Continue reading

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