Tag Archives: video games

(Animal) Crossing Back Over Into New Leaf

I picked up my copy of Animal Crossing: New Leaf for the first time in ages this week. I bought it when I went to visit my family this last Christmas, and didn’t play it much after I got back. … Continue reading

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Gameboys…of Tomorrow!!!

I’ve been getting the urge to do some portable gaming again. I think because I’m spending more time not at home, but in places where I would still want to kill some time. (Like right now, as I wait for … Continue reading

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Week Wrap-up: 29 April 2019 – 05 May 2019

Just a quick weekly wrap-up because boy howdy am I sleepy and tired. XD Got a job! At Trupanion! I am excited to pet all the dogs and also do work in exchange for pay, because while I’m living under … Continue reading

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Adrift Without a Paddle

Today feels like Spring, specifically the good parts of Spring. My California poppies are slowly sprouting, the birds are singing, there was a gorgeous rain this morning that made lovely sounds on the new leaves on the trees out back, … Continue reading

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Metal Gear Cardboard

Short post today, because I just wanted to share the below video. I really love the Metal Gear Solid series of video games. I love how it includes cardboard boxes that you can run around in while “hiding” in every … Continue reading

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Week Wrap-up: 01 April 2019 – 07 April 2019

Hey all, it’s a day late, but here’s how my last week or so went, in easy-to-write (and read, hopefully) bulleted list form. Jerry the leopard gecko appears to have hurt himself while shedding, so he gets to go to … Continue reading

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Week Wrap-up: 18 March 2019 – 24 March 2019

A random smattering of notes from the past week: Sleeping properly is hard as shit. What the hell. There is Too Much Game in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Which’d be more chill if I wasn’t also playing … Continue reading

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Let’s Play Max Payne: Episode 1

Hey everyone! I recorded a Let’s Play for Max Payne. At least the first episode of one. The game is super-melodramatic, to a ridiculous degree, so you get to experience a lot of painful (or funny, depending) writing in this … Continue reading

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Vampyr (2018) Review

Vampyr A Beautiful Mess Platform Played On: PC Developer: DONTNOD Publisher: Focus Home Entertainment Year Released: 2018 Vampyr wants to be a lot of things. An action-RPG with branching combat styles. A deep story game with important moral choices that … Continue reading

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Updates: Miscellaneous

Hey everyone, it’s been a minute! Life continues to proceed at a pace of about one second per second, with the usual margin of error accounting for the variability of reality. So, without any regard to order, life updates from … Continue reading

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