Thinking Out Loud: Patreon Alternative Edition

Jerry the leopard gecko peeking out of his hide with "I HAVE AN IDEA" written in large white text next to him.

This post is mostly just me thinking about loud about how building a Patreon alternative would worth. BUCKLE UP, BUDDIES.

Patreon has issues for a lot of people because it’s really geared for large creators, especially Youtubers. This is fine! But it leaves a lot of people out in the cold who have smaller fanbases, work in fields that don’t release output as consistently (hi, novel authors!), etc. Patreon is also redonkulously squeamish about adult content, making it difficult to discover (by unlisting the page) at best, which totally hoses another huge set of creatives.

There are a couple of alternatives out there, but they have their own issues. Liberapay, for example, doesn’t allow for locked posts due to the nature of being a nonprofit. Drip is apparently foundering right now, and no one’s really sure how that’s going to turn out.

So here’s the thoughts I’ve got so far on building an alternative: Continue reading

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Vampyr (2018) Review


A Beautiful Mess

A cutscene image from Vampyr with Johnathan saying "I know the answers I seek are hiding in our blood."

Platform Played On: PC
Developer: DONTNOD
Publisher: Focus Home Entertainment
Year Released: 2018

Vampyr wants to be a lot of things. An action-RPG with branching combat styles. A deep story game with important moral choices that affect the fates of everyone in London. A functioning, non-buggy game. And it clearly tries its best, and to its credit, it mostly succeeds. Emphasis on mostly.

You play as Dr. Jonathan Reid, just returned from serving as a doctor for the British Army in France during World War I. Things are going to be rad. You’re going to go home, see your family, and study some medicine.

You wake up in a mass grave, stumble out, and drain the blood out of the first person you see. Things kind of go downhill from there. Continue reading

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Updates: Miscellaneous

A bunch of succulent cuttings, potted in plastic and glass containers, surrounding a jack-o-lantern colored piggy bank.

Succulent friends!

Hey everyone, it’s been a minute!

Life continues to proceed at a pace of about one second per second, with the usual margin of error accounting for the variability of reality. So, without any regard to order, life updates from the past few weeks:

  • Received a bunch of wonderful succlent cuttings from my friend Erin C, that have now been potted and will hopefully take root!
  • Finally decided on a new phone, a Nokia 6.1. It was a bit of a struggle to order everything I needed from Not Amazon, because the future sucks, but I got the phone from Newegg and the accessories (case, charging dock b/c docks are great) from eBay. It should all arrive in the next couple weeks. I’ll have a phone with a working onboard mic again! Oh, sweet luxury.
  • I didn’t end up going with the little Unihertz Atom because I realized that at least right now I do a ton of texting, and I wasn’t sure how my already-inaccurate touch-screen typing was going to do on a wee little screen.
  • Both Jerry and Jabberwocky have Done a Shed. Jabberwocky is still looking scruffy, but she’s gotten most of the big pieces off. Jerry had his day ruined by me getting stuck shed off his toes. Little drama bean.
  • I’m working on a new short story, some sci-fi set in the Nautilus universe. I’m also realizing I have no idea how to write horror, so if anyone has recommendations for great horror short stories, I’m all ears and you should leave them in the comments.
  • I finished Vampyr, the latest game I’ve been playing through. It was good, though I felt a little trapped at the end due to feeling a semi-compulsive need to play it and finish all the side quests and stuff. It’s a tricky game, in some good ways and some bad. I’m planning on writing a review of it soon to unpack my thoughts. A+ romance dialogue writing, though, which is really impressive. Though I shouldn’t have expected anything less from the Life is Strange writers.
  • The next game up on my list is Papers, Please, because I want to feel sad, I guess?
  • Been doing some work on learning Python. Whitespace-sensitive languages are so confusing, coming from Java.
  • I’ve been having a huge urge to make a video game and have no idea how to channel it, so that’s fun.
  • I am still trying to read The Republic, which is probably a mistake but I want to get through it! It’s just not quite fun enough that I’m like “oh boy let’s sit and read for an hour!” So I have to develop A Habit, it looks like. I’m also listening to an audiobook of The Conquest of Bread by Peter Kropotkin, which is simultaneously very good and somewhat depressing. (This book came out in 1892! We’ve had 120 years to get our anarcho-communist shit together and instead we live in a capitalist hellscape, boooooo.) I do really appreciate how much emphasis it puts on the logistics of revolution, though. “Remember to see to people’s basic needs” seems like it’d be an easy thing to remember in revolutions, but ((historically) apparently not!
  • The job hunt continues. Currently wrestling if I’m at a place yet where I consider Amazon jobs a valid option.
  • I’ve been rewatching Futurama, and overall it’s still amazing.

And that’s it for now, I think! What have you all been up to? If you leave a comment, I gain +10 life points, and if I get 100 of those I can get some awesome stickers.

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Oh No Phones

Audrey Hepburn sitting in a chair, talking into a landline phone.

Shit like this makes me miss landlines. They were reliable, dangnabit! Source

Well, this sucks.

My reliable Blackberry KeyONE had a new issue within the last few days, where it shut down and then got started in a reboot loop. It would barely boot, get to the Blackberry logo, and then reboot, get to the logo, and so on and so forth. Not ideal. I eventually managed to get it to boot up all the way by pressing all four buttons at once in some sort of combination force-reboot and 1994 SNES cheat code, and wrote it off as a random thing that happens sometimes with phones. They hit a bug, they get confused, you force reboot it in a way that gets it to dump whatever was bugging out of memory, and off you go.

This is called hubris, friends. Continue reading

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None Power With Left Anxiety

The author squinting slightly at the camera and looking tired while in a dark room.

Hard to take a good selfie when the power’s out. Also this captured the mood pretty honestly.

I’m writing this in the middle of the third power outage we’ve had at my apartment this year. Because maybe the power will come back as soon as I complain about it. Continue reading

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Emacs Resources

The other day (by which I mean like three weeks ago), I asked for advice on learning emacs over on Mastodon. I got a bunch of really nice results, and wanted to put them all in one place both so I don’t lose them and so maybe someone else will get use out of them someday.

Thanks so much to everyone who contributed! Maybe someday I’ll get the hang of this thing. 😀

1. (Since that link doesn’t seem to work, here’s a link to Matthew’s account page, instead:

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Updates Most Foul

A orange/pink cocktail with a sprig of rosemary in it sitting in front of a candle on a table.

I had this cocktail, which I have forgotten the name of, and it was pretty good!

It’s been a while since I posted, so I wanted to just give a general smattering of life updates. For extra fun, this post is being written on my “brand new” Alphasmart Neo 2, the very latest in early-2000s technology. Continue reading

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Wonka (2022)

There’s a tweet joke that has stayed bouncing around in my brain for months now, about a gritty re-imagining of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory:

Inspired by this tweet, I came up with the following plot summary of my take on the idea, a somber, tragic movie called “Wonka,” starring Steven Buscemi. I hope some of you enjoy this rambling bonkersness as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please note this is a super-rough draft, so sorry for any typos or incoherentness. This is also why the children don’t have casting.

Wonka (2022)

Steve Buscemi plays Willy Wonka in a film set 20 years after the initial tour of the factory, also its final day of operation. After the series of industrial accidents that resulted in traumatized children, initially conceived of as part of a “goodness of heart” test, Wonka felt he could no longer operate his factory, it having nearly destroyed the very children he wanted to serve and entertain. Continue reading

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“404 Page Not Found” by Kate Wagner

Kate Wagner put together an absolutely amazing essay on the state of the web today and how it got that way. It’s achingly sad in a lot of ways, pointing out how much of the internet we’ve just straight up lost over the years, and how capitalism has ground much of the older web era’s creativity to a pulp. Don’t worry, though, it offers a little hope at the end, too.

A line I particularly liked from the section on vaporwave:

The pastiche compositions of Arizona Iced Tea cans and old Windows desktops were very quickly made available on all these commercial interfaces, which were not only feeding on a countercultural art movement—they were likewise consuming the ghosts of an internet they had long since murdered.

Read it here:

And here’s a PDF in case that original link ever goes away:
404 Page Not Found by Kate Wagner PDF

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New Year, Short Post

Jerry the leopard gecko looking at the camera, chin up, from behind his little rock vitamin dish.

Always a cutie.

Behold, the obligatory post about the new year.

My actual new year’s eve was nice. Snoozed, hung out with Jerry (who was being very photogenic), woke up in time to watch the countdown at the space needle. Quiet and simple, pretty much all I wanted.

To be honest, though, I’m super fucking intimidated by the new year. Mostly because I have too many options as far as ways my life could go right now. I’m single, I’ve got no job, I haven’t even signed up for my spring semester MLIS class yet. (I might not take a class this semester, because $$$ + stress, but that’s another post.) So I can do anything! So oh god what should I do?

I really don’t have a solution right now, except to start poking at infosec stuff again because a) computer skills, and b) I’ve wanted to learn it for a long time. So I guess that’s what I’m going to do? Even though I don’t know where to start? And I should probably apply for jobs.

Yeah, analysis paralysis is fun. I will now take suggestions from the audience, if y’all have any advice/ideas.

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