So, 2014 is right about to end (and already has, in some parts of the world). It’s been a hell of a year. Some good, a lot of bad. (At least from my perspective on societal events.) For this post, though, I’m going to focus on what I accomplished writing-wise this year. And it’s going to be a little short, since I have to run out the door any second here.
342,083 words. That’s how many I wrote this year, just short of my goal of 356,000. This is only my fiction writing, and doesn’t include blog posts, or any writing I did for Nautilus or other projects. I’m pretty happy with that number! Within it I wrote a bunch of short stories, several half-finished pieces, a bunch of random noodling, finished up a novel (The Shivering Deeps), and started another one (my currently untitled NaNoWriMo project). I submitted stories to at least two places this year, and have a definite success (as in, papers signed) on one of them. I’ll share those details once the project is a little closer to release. It’s also the first time I’ve been paid for my writing, which is super-exciting.
Going forward in 2015, I want to finish more stories. So many of them sit at draft zero forever, and I really want to get them polished up to build my editing skills and get a better flow going, production-wise. I also want to submit to more places. I really enjoyed submitting to the couple of anthologies I did this year, and I’d like to expand from anthologies to magazines (internet and print), too. I’m also hoping to finish up editing The Shivering Deeps this year (hopefully earlier rather than later), and also to finish writing and editing/revising this year’s NaNoWriMo before the next one rolls around. I’ll be shooting for 356,000 words again, too, although I’m hoping I can push myself to write more than 1000 words a day this year. We’ll see how it goes.
I hope everyone has a good 2015. And to my writer friends: let’s kick this year’s ass. Let’s write, edit, beta read, revise, submit, query, sell, and all those wonderful things. I hope we can all make our goals for our writing happen this year, and if we get lucky, maybe even exceed a few of them. 🙂
Happy New Year everyone.