Week Wrap-up: 26 March 2018 – 01 April 2018

A view over the city of SeaTac at night, the darkness interspersed with the lights pouring from buildings.

Ah, my friends, I do not have an April Fool’s post for you. Instead, a small wrapup of the last week:

  • I started in on learning the Network+ certificate stuff. So far it’s all review, but that’s okay! It’s good to be reminded “ah, yes, that’s exactly what that means.” I’m hoping to buckle down on it more this week, now that:
  • I turned in the last paper for one of my Spring classes, a seminar, meaning that for the next week and change I’m only taking one (1) class. The luxury of freedom! Sort of!
  • I’ve seen a bunch of cool people lately! I saw a bunch of internet-buddies at NorWesCon, as well as local friends who live just far enough away I haven’t run into them for a while. I will continue to see cool people today! It’s neat!
  • I got really confused about what the ideal setup for an infosec lab would be for my needs, and people came crawling out of the woodwork on Mastodon to help. There’s a lot of good eggs over there. I need to make an account on infosec.exchange, I think, so I can listen and learn more.
  • The first episode of Failed Taxonomy has been recorded and is almost done. I’ve done all of the editing except for removing my goblin-breathing and trimming the silences down. My little laptop isn’t powerful enough to do changes to an entire hour of audio at once, so I need to find some time to do it on my desktop. I’m hoping to post it tomorrow, though.
  • A bunch of people I care about are in junky situations! Please send general good vibes out into the universe so they can get some more of that in their lives.
  • I’m deleting my Facebook as soon as I download my data, hopefully later today. It’s going to be such a THING. I’m nervous, but I bet it’ll be good.

That’s it for now! I hope the last week has treated you well, and that this next week is looking up.

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Coming Soon

I gotta admit, I’m pretty excited these days. Well, as excited as I get. Which is usually about as much as molasses is fast. Still! A nice change from being frozen…molasses?

That broke down quickly.

Anyway! Some fun stuff coming soon:


I’ve started doing a podcast with my buddy Katy! It’s going to be about, well, sort of whatever. Usually a bit about what we’ve been up to lately, with a focus on reading, our writing, and exercising. Plus we’re answering questions every week, because why not?

You can find out more at the website, www.failedtaxonomy.com. There’s a contact form there, too, if you want to submit a question. I’m almost done editing the first episode, but my little laptop couldn’t handle the processing needed to remove my goblin breathing from the silent bits. So that’ll need to get done at a different computer when I get a chance, but it should be soon! I’ll be sure to post here when it goes up.


As part of learning infosec, I’ve started going through the material for the Network+ CompTIA certification. Not out of any great love for the certification itself, but because I could use a refresher on the nuts and bolts of networking before I start digging in to how to break its security. Plus, getting the certification would a) look nice on a resume, and b) make it more likely I can get jobs in the interim that’ll still take me down that path.

I picked up Meyers’s All-in-One study book, which led me to undertake an oddyssey as I tried to break the DRM so I could read it in emacs. It’s my preferred word processor of choice for anything where layout isn’t super-important (like notes!), and I find I concentrate better when I’m using it, so making this happen was really important. In the end, it took many hours of struggling on linux and then about twenty minutes on a Windows PC (which the utilities in question were better designed for) to get it done. So now I have my book, I have a notes outline based off the official test objectives, and I have it all in my program of choice. I’m set, and I’m looking forward to properly diving in tomorrow.

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I’ve been unexpectedly away for a couple days. Had a bit of blog-writer’s block, but I think I was also quite stressed. I did something I didn’t really expect to do on Friday:

I turned down a job.

Now, don’t get me wrong, this job wasn’t a perfect proposition. The pay wasn’t enough for me to meet my obligations at home, so I would have slowly bled cash, and the commute was wonky. But it would have been customer service and customer tech support experience, both of which I’m a little starved for at the moment. Plus, the company was wonderful. Enough that I want to look at working for them again once I have the skills for another position, especially if I move a little closer to their offices. Continue reading

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Leaving Facebook

So, uh, this Cambridge Analytica thing, right?

I mean, I think we all knew Facebook was being pretty shitty with our data. That data collection in general is used for a lot more than just selling us vacuums and whatnot. It’s almost nice, in a way, to have such a big incident I can point to to justify my decision. But the truth is I’ve been thinking about deleting my Facebook for a while. I don’t like how much data is harvested about us for the sole purpose of selling it to advertisers, and Facebook is one of the worst offenders.

Now, this totally screws me over in a couple ways. A few of my friends plan events almost exclusively through Facebook. There’s some people who I don’t have contact info for besides through Facebook. And some content requires a Facebook account to view. Continue reading

Posted in Accountability, Personal, Technology | 1 Comment

The Stories I Tell About Myself

A picture of a sunset, just before dark, as the sun descends below the horizon. The colors reflect off a lake that takes up most of the foreground, though you can see the shore as well.

“It’s like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.” — Patrick Rothfuss in The Name of the Wind

I’ve been struggling lately with the story I tell myself about myself.

I’ve had a narrative going in my head for a long time that I’m not very smart. I’m pretty sure this started as a self-deprecating joke that helped me cope with the fact that I’ve been lucky enough to be surrounded by some absolutely brilliant people my entire life. Even when the social groups changed, that still held true. Of course it’s true that there’s always someone better, no matter how good you are. But it’s been very intimate for me. It’s not like “oh no I’ll never be as good as Gary Kasparov.” It’s “oh hey, this assignment that took me three days and still doesn’t work right was done by my buddy in one night when they took the course.” The comparisons become very direct.

To be clear, I did these comparisons by myself! And the few times they were done for me, I tried to (hopefully gently) remind people that just because something is way X for them doesn’t mean it was way X for me. I tried to remember that myself. The very smart people in my life have also on the whole been quite kind, and never ground my nose in it. I did a very good job of making my face meet rock all by myself, thank you very much.

Still, the comparisons eroded my self-confidence. I doubt wrangling with a cockatrice of anxiety and depression helped much, either. Nor my recent job search. These are all catalysts for me to get where I am right now faster, but it feels like I was always going to get here.

Frankly put, I feel like I’m a dunce. The story has changed from “in comparison to these other people, I am not as good at them in their field” to “I’m not good at any field.” Continue reading

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Silly Jabberwocky Photopalooza

Hello, all you lovely people.

While I am trying to blog daily, it is also hella late and I haven’t done any fiction writing either today. So, instead of a bunch of my words I will instead present you with a bunch of my photos of my iguana Jabberwocky being her silly, silly self. Enjoy!

Jabberwocky leaned up against the wall of her enclosure, front claws holding onto an eyelet hook coming out from the wall. She's staring at the camera, eyes large and dark in the dim morning light.

Just woken up, staring out into the peaceful morning at the barbarian mammal who dare interrupt her reverie.

Jabberwocky lunging to eat a mouthful of collard greens.

Nom nom collard greens nom.

Continue reading

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A Roller Coaster, Not a Luge

The last few days have been a roller coaster, but at least they haven’t been a luge.

Monday was, I think, a post-travel crash. The Rainforest Writer’s Retreat was great, and I’m excited to hopefully do it again next year. I didn’t sleep a lot on Sunday, as I tried to get stuff ready for the rest of the week: buying groceries, prepping breakfasts and lunches in an attempt to eat better, that sort of thing. So Monday was an unfocused malaise, where I was barely able to do anything but some light reading for my Content Management Systems class. Which sucked, given how productive the retreat felt. I did still get my words of new fiction in, which was good.

But that was not nearly as good as Tuesday, where I apparently found all of my brain and some mysterious extra that I just sort of squished onto the side. I plowed through my homework, researched about reprinting old pulp titles, wrote new stuff, proofread/formatted-as-needed two pieces, uploaded one and sent off the other to Peter to beta read, and even managed a blog post in there. Ideally, most of my days would be like this, but given I ended up staying up late finishing a last few things, perhaps it’s best if I don’t do quite as many things every day.

Trying to have days like this all the time is actually part of why I stopped keeping a bullet journal this year and instead switched to a (Passion Planner)[http://www.passionplanner.com “Passion Planner Website”]. It lets me be looser about whether or not I have a to-do list every day while still being organized, which prevents me from trying to do thirty things every day. This is probably a good thing. Probably. Continue reading

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JavaScript: It’s Bad! It’s Good! It’s…Both?!?

This was an interesting bit of discussion today over on Mastodon about JavaScript. Generally speaking, I fall on the side of less JavaScript is better, mostly because my laptop is underpowered and JavaScript websites get real resource-intensive real fast. Especially when ads, advertisers, ad networks, marketing companies [waves at old job], and the like are loading in their own JavaScript on top of whatever the base website uses. Hell, I’d argue that JavaScript that’s only run by the website you’re accessing directly is probably fine most of the time, it’s the ads, and related stuff like tech to dynamically serve the ads, that make JS a pain to deal with.

I quickly learned there’s a lot more reasons to dislike Javascript, at least according to this one post that I want to state right now I haven’t tracked down secondary/confirming sources for:

Which is a lot to chew on! Continue reading

Posted in Technology | 1 Comment

Post-Rainforest Haiku

Back from Rainforest

Cockroaches are nightmare beings

Time to fucking sleep.

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Grinding Gears

So a very notable thing happened on Thursday: I finally finished writing through to the end of the second draft of The Shivering Deeps. Yay, right? It is pretty cool to be done with it, although I’ve noticed that one major event of the climax doesn’t have a necessary Chekov’s gun inserted earlier in the narrative, so it just seems to come out of nowhere as a deus ex machina. So I’m thinking I’ll go back and put that in, and possible some other scenes that I jotted down while I was working on the outline, before I hand it over to a beta reader. Who will hopefully not completely eviscerate it. Or if he does, will do so in a productive way.

This has left me somewhat at loose ends as far as what to do with the rest of my time here at Rainforest. Continue reading

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