Clawing at Dirt

A scuplture that looks like a cross between an amoeba and a jellyfish, lit from inside, hanging from the ceiling of a light rail station. Two other sculptures are visible in the background.

Is this relevant? Not really, no.

This is round four of trying to write a blog post. I’d like to write about my life without feeling like I’m whining or feeling sorry for myself. That has proved difficult.

I’m sure it’s just an attitude problem and if I try hard enough the world will turn into sunshine and rainbows.

This sounds more pessimistic than I am. I just feel stuck right now. Things are manageable, but barely, and getting things to improve feels like I’m clawing my way up a steep slope of loose dirt. While moving three different pieces of cargo with me, only one of which I can hold at a time. Progress is possible, but limited and very difficult.

At least lifting weights has been going well for the moment. So that’s something.

In fact, why don’t we go through my year goals. With a one sentence per goal limit, because limits breed creativity and also I’m trying to spare you all a 1000-word post.


Full-length Story Writing/Submitting

The morass of the squishy middle, combined with inconsistency, has made for slow progress.

Two Short Stories for Submission

I wrote a short story I was proud of recently, but it was fanfic and so sadly can’t be used for this goal.


Deadlift improving, squat almost back to max, adding glute and ab exercises, it’s all actually on track.


I started running again during the hottest part of the year, and it’s felt great.


Fuck the sciatic nerve, though at least I know about nerve glides now to help fix it.

Body Goals

Still confidential.

Self-Supporting Monetarily

The temp job is still solid if low paying, but for improving income beyond that nothing feels like the right or even a good solution.

WTBBL Audiobook Review

I’m almost at the point where I’ll just give up, accept my brain doesn’t want to do it, and go back to them with my head hung in shame, which is a sort of progress in a depressing way.


I’ve lacked the spoons to pursue this, though they wouldn’t have made good makeup applicators anyway.

Morning Routine

I don’t have time to do creative stuff or work out, but I am more-or-less ready on time.

Record an Audiobook

I need to get back to doing this, and would love public domain book suggestions or other requests that I could legally publish afterwards.

Hiking at Least 6 Times

Current count: zero.

Camping at Least Once

This should probably wait until Jabberwocky’s current health issues are resolved, not that I’d made any real solid plans yet anyway.


Blogging 1x/Week

*Gestures at the dates on the blog posts.*

Writing 1k a Day

Not currently happening, and I’m incredibly mad at myself about it while also still struggling to change the situation.

Working Out 4x/Week

This is one of the few things that’s working out, pun intended.


Tattoos cost money for some reason??

Cleaning and Dishes

Not consistent, but on the upswing.

Supplemental Stretches/Exercises

The composition of these is changing, but like exercising generally it’s going fairly well-ish.

Journal 1x/Week

Maybe I can claim blank pages are avant-garde journaling.


Sleeping enough, how do?

Art Skills

Fell off, miss it, need to do it more, *sigh.*


Got a new type of planner, liking it so far, not using it to its full potential.

Conclusion: Blargle.

See y’all in a week or less. Hopefully. <3

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