Biking, Working, Biking Again

Me, looking kinda tired but otherwise good, wearing a battered bike helmet.

Look at how much I met the legal definition of alive after biking to work this morning!

Today was my first day at my new job, which went nothing like I expected. I was expecting to, you know, learn how to do my job. Instead, I ended up in a classroom-esque conference room with almost 30 other new hires. The first four days will be a crash course about how the company works, how pet insurance works, and presentations from the various departments. No training with my department until Friday.

So far, it’s mostly reminded me that I find the way marketing and sales work to be creepy at best. Also that I’m very, very cynical when it comes to things like a company’s core values. Even so, though, it seems like a good group of people. I think I’m just too anti-corporate to be thrilled by a lot of what’s going on, no matter how nice the people are or how decent the coverage they provide seems to be.

The other major event was that I bike commuted for the first time! From (Seattle neighborhoods) Magnolia to Georgetown! And back! So I ended up biking like 20.5 miles today. I didn’t even die once, which I’m pretty proud of myself for. And while I was slower than the Google maps estimate, I left myself plenty of time and wasn’t late. Plus I found out I can start a date I’m trying to plan half an hour earlier than I thought, based on how long it took me to get home today. So That’s a pretty sweet bonus.

Now I just need to hope my muscles don’t hurt too terribly when I need to do it all again tomorrow. And the next day. And the day after that.

This is going to be rough, isn’t it?

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4 Responses to Biking, Working, Biking Again

  1. Lucky says:

    What is the longest distance you’ve cycled?

    • Ian says:

      Before this I’d probably maxed out at 6 miles, maybe a little more. So today was a new record, actually, even just counting one way!

      • Lucky says:

        Oh that’s a *lot* more! Maybe consider getting some padded bike shorts

        • Ian says:

          I was all “maybe I’ll be okay” and then I sat on my bike the second day and: you are very very right in this recommendation.

          I’m also looking at getting a raincoat-shell-thing, given the weather. The only one I have is falling apart, and it’d be nice to have something designed to be ridden in, anyway.

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