Always a cutie.
Behold, the obligatory post about the new year.
My actual new year’s eve was nice. Snoozed, hung out with Jerry (who was being very photogenic), woke up in time to watch the countdown at the space needle. Quiet and simple, pretty much all I wanted.
To be honest, though, I’m super fucking intimidated by the new year. Mostly because I have too many options as far as ways my life could go right now. I’m single, I’ve got no job, I haven’t even signed up for my spring semester MLIS class yet. (I might not take a class this semester, because $$$ + stress, but that’s another post.) So I can do anything! So oh god what should I do?
I really don’t have a solution right now, except to start poking at infosec stuff again because a) computer skills, and b) I’ve wanted to learn it for a long time. So I guess that’s what I’m going to do? Even though I don’t know where to start? And I should probably apply for jobs.
Yeah, analysis paralysis is fun. I will now take suggestions from the audience, if y’all have any advice/ideas.
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