The surprising instrument of my doom.
It really hasn’t been a banner week so far.
Things started off on Monday with the guy I’ve been seeing (and having a very good time with) breaking things off with me while he works on some personal stuff. I understand, and it’s good to know I wasn’t the problem, but it’s still a disappointing state of affairs.
My week couldn’t get worse, right?
Tuesday was a wreck at work, in that it took me an entire day to load leftover lumber from a job onto the truck because a) windstorm + cold + rain, b) depression aggravated by such, but mostly c) I couldn’t figure out a way to load everything into the truck in a way that would feel safe using the strapdown points I had access to, secured with only the straps. So I took an extra few hours to improvise walls to add to sides and back of the flatbed (in addition to the two partial side ones it had, which ironically got in the way of strap anchor points I really could have used). I’m not sure if this was the most time-efficient method to use, but it’s what I came up with. Still, it meant loading the flatbed and getting it back to the shop took 8 hours instead of the, I dunno, around five or six it would have taken otherwise. I had a feeling this was Not Acceptable with the boss sounded real disappointed when he called at the 7 hour mark and asked where I was.
Hoo boy was I right about that.
Wednesday morning, I go into work, get called into the office, and get fired. (Sorry, “let go,” I think we as a society stopped saying fired at some point.) For being too slow. When I brought up that I had to modify the truck for safety, both on the phone on Tuesday and in the office Wednesday morning, I got brushed off. Maybe I didn’t make my case coherently or strongly enough. Regardless, this sucks. I didn’t love my job every day but I liked what I was learning from the people I actually worked with in the field, and it was cool getting paid to build things. And it felt cool using that skill to figure out how to make the flatbed safer for that trip. So it’s a shame. Oh, and I had health insurance through that job and finally cancelled my ACA health insurance over the weekend (pre-firing), so now I just don’t have any. Awesome.
Today (Thursday), the power went out for five hours. But that wasn’t terrible, just annoying. Although I should probably get rid of some of the more easily-spoiled stuff in the fridge, just to be safe. But that’s for not-now. It would have been nice to have power to practice programming or something, but I did some reading and wrote some reviews instead, and honestly I should probably take a full day or two before jumping back into the job search and/or skilling up.
So that’s been my week so far! Guuuuuh. At this rate, something real fucked up’s going to happen on Friday. *knocks on wood*
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