Not from today, but a view I’ve been looking at almost every day at work.
I appear to be in purgatory on this dreary autumn day. And by that I mean I’m waiting at the repair place for the work truck to be fixed, and I’ve been here for about three hours so far. Time has lost all meaning, which feels weirdly appropriate for a day where I can’t see the sun’s position in the sky.
It’s now November, which means the start of a season I always think will be cozy and full of community and love, but instead is often a chaotic overload of obligations and travel to un-cozy places. Despite that, I’m looking forward to it. At least for now, the only plans I’ve made are for Thanksgiving, and they’re great. They’re simple (I just need to show up), in the Seattle area, and I will get to see my dear friends who I don’t get to see very often. More holidays like this, please. Though maybe drop the celebration of genocidal imperialism.
Another big obligation that comes up in November is NaNoWriMo, which I’m cutting off at the pass by deciding not to participate this year. Don’t get me wrong, I’m tempted, but with school I have too much on my plate. My time is overcrowded right now as it is. Plus, I just finished the beta draft of The Shivering Deeps and I don’t think I’m up for creating a new novel length work just yet. Short stories and fluff projects, please!
Meanwhile, in the cracks of free time I’m going to attempt to make my living space cozier and easier to exist in. Hygge it up. Because nothing makes the holidays better than having a great home of your own to return to after the festivities are done.
Wishing everyone a happy November. Stay warm and try (if you’re in the northern hemisphere) to enjoy the last days of Fall before Winter shows up in full force. ❤
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