So tired…
Hey, another two-week wrap-up post because shit’s been crazy, y’all.
The Good
- Got to do some volunteer work at WTBBL that involved writing book recommendations and such. Really satisfying to get a chance to do more in-depth librarian-oriented work.
- Continuing to learn more things at work, and am still employed, so clearly they don’t hate me too much.
- The smoke in the PNW finally cleared up.
- Grad school started up again. Yay making academic progress!
- Did some freelance work for Tam, which I always enjoy and feel I grow my skills with. Plus it pays! Yay, money for writing/editing work!
- Made a teeny bit of progress on editing my rewrite of a part of The Shivering Deeps.
- Got a bunch of cleaning done on the apartment, which was super stressful at the time but it’s made everything about the place feel better, and I didn’t embarass myself via apartment-mess in front of a date, so overall worth it.
- Had a very nice dinner out with my boyfriend last night at a very good restaurant in his new neighborhood. Long conversations + good food and beer + eating outside on a nice night = bliss.
The Bad
- School started again. It’s been really stressful implementing time for courses back into my schedule.
- I have been absolutely horrendous at sleeping right. This has included falling asleep for an entire afternoon, thus making it so I couldn’t do anything with my evening besides one task that was due that night, and then going back to sleep again. I also keep falling asleep before taking my meds, and then taking them if I happen to wake up in the wee hours of the morning. I’ve started taking steps to ameliorate this particular issue, but it’s a work in progress.
- Got ghosted by someone I went on a few dates with. I wasn’t actually sure I wanted to continue, either, but being ghosted left me with some bad/sad feelings, regardless.
- I spent a lot of time working in a crawlspace full of spiders, mildew, dust, and at least one dead rat. Like, two and a half workdays lot of time.
- I’ve had very little time to play videogames. I also discovered, after having a grand old time playing the 2015 Gauntlet with my date, that it actually sucks pretty bad to play it solo. It’s just not nearly as fun, which is disappointing.
- I feel super behind on the tabletop RPG stuff I want to do. I just need to read a rulebook it should not be that hard to find time in my schedule for it. >_<
- Also feel really behind on getting the apartment new-roommate ready, despite the progress made.
- Body image self-esteem is all over the place lately.
- Ate really poorly this last week due to time/energy constraints, and felt like garbage between that and the sleep issues.
- Fruit flies have taken up residence in my kitchen and are refusing to go quickly/quietly into the dark night. I bought some commercial traps and those do seem to be helping. Hopefully they’ll be completely gone in a couple days.
- Juggling helping my boyfriend move on top of the other stuff has been stressful, simply due to feeling like I don’t have time to do everything. But we’re getting close to being done! It’ll be good to be finished with that task, but it’s made the last month pretty bonkers in terms of scheduling.
That’s about it for me! How’re things going with you all?
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