I give this week one very tired thumbs up.
There’s good music playing at the coffee shop today, and I finished my writing way early this morning (morning pages turned into my 1k words). Sounds like a good time for a weekly wrap-up.
The Good
- Work continues to go well. Had a couple of rough days this week, but even those felt pretty good.
- Did An Investment in the new job and picked up a couple of power tools this morning. Thankful I still have some savings left over from The Tech Days, since that made me more comfortable with making such an investment.
- Got to volunteer at the WTBBL again after a couple long weeks of struggling to make the schedule work.
- Did more blogging than just the weekly wrap-up!
- Finally started my review of the new stuff I wrote for The Shivering Deeps so I can finish this dang beta draft already.
- Had a Very Good date.
- Got to help with exterior carpentry at work. We sheeted a wall to prep it for new siding! I got to use a nail gun! And no one died!
- Lifted weights for the first time in a while.
The Bad
- Hand, shoulder, and elbow pain at work. I quickly took steps to mitigate the situation each time (switching hands, taking a break or slowing my pace, using a different swing, etc.), and they haven’t been anything resembling chronic yet, so I’m not too worried. I think a lot of it is developing strength in places I haven’t needed it before, especially the hand pain, which mostly comes from gripping heavy tools for a long period of time. (Nail guns are HEAVY, y’all.)
- During work I was demolishing siding and got to get covered in 100-year-old ash and dirt that was hiding in the walls. It was gross.
- Didn’t sleep well, because I’m bad at getting to bed on time. And bad at not falling asleep after work, which I’d like not to do since it messes up my evenings.
- Didn’t do as much writing as I wanted to.
- School starts on Tuesday and I’m not sure how I’m going to juggle that yet.
- Getting the itch to learn some new stuff on the tech front, and trying to figure out how to do it on my lunch break at work is proving a little frustrating. I’m sure I’ll find a solution! My first idea was ITProTV, but I’m not sure I want to pull the trigger on that just yet given the cost, even with a permanent 30% off.
- My corded drill is having death spasms. Smoke actually came out of the motor when I was using it last night, and bits have started coming loose during use. It made the upgraded tools I picked up an easy choice to make, but it sucks to have a tool die. It also derailed my plans to get my air conditioner installed yesterday, but that should happen today. *crosses fingers*
- Still figuring out how mornings work given the new schedule. Wishing I had a little more Get Up and Go so I could actually have everything done as early as it really should be so I’d stop running late/close-to-late and maybe have some extra time to write and stuff.
- The smoke and heat were not fun for work conditions, and I would also like to request that everything stop being on fire for a bit please and thank you.
That’s about it! How did your weeks go?
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