Week Wrap-up: 11 June 2018 – 17 June 2018

A close-up image of the keys on a vintage mechancial typewriter.

This last week was actually really uneventful? It was sort of nice. I haven’t written one of these in a while, but I suppose those other weeks will just be lost to time. How sad.


  • Still waiting to hear back from Google. Excited about the possibility of moving forward, nervous about the possibility of not, and feelingi the need to start applying to other gigs just in case.
  • Had a lot of non-productive down days due to depression, exhaustion, or both. Way too many accidental mid-day hour+ long naps.
    • I did start working to unfuck my sleep schedule again, though. It’s not at 100% working yet, but I’m already feeling a lot better than I was.
  • My decluttering project made some nice strides as of yesterday. I sorted through three boxes of papers and ended up with a lot of recycling, an alarming number of now-blank notebooks/spare sheets of paper/printer paper, and a much smaller stack of papers to store.
    • At some point I want to digitize all of my papers except for, like, old character sheets and other stuff I might want to physically interact with again. But I haven’t figured out a great workflow for that, so that project’s being saved for later.
  • I installed a keyboard drawer, which was a bit of an adventure but should be good for keeping my wrists in better condition long-term.
  • One of my cockroach colonies has gone off, and I need to clean it out. That’s all the detail I’ll go into, but I’m scared, y’all.
  • I did do a lot of writing this week, which feels good. Not sure any of it is marketable, but it feels good to get in the words.
  • Likewise, lifting weights went well.
  • Had a disappointing thing happen in dating-land with someone I’d gone on a couple dates with and rather liked. It’s one of those situations that was outside of either of our control, but still sucks. Alas!
  • Also been doing lots of reading. Getting close to finishing Don’t Live for Your Obituary by John Scalzi. I also started Scratch, a collection of essays about writing and money edited by Manjula Martin. It’s fascinating, and has me itching to try doing more freelance writing. I might be getting this itch months too late for it to be practical, but so it goes.
  • My search for a good e-mail client for my laptop continues. Right now I’ve ended up looking at either Claws or using something in Emacs. Either way, it’s frustrating, since I don’t love using webmail but all my other solutions are hard to use or make my computer hang. Good times.
  • Watched the Microsoft and Sony E3 events (with Polygon’s running commentary). I now want a PS4, which tells you a lot about which event I liked better. (There is a cute lesbian relationship in The Last of Us Part 2 yaaaaaaay!)
  • I played an unhealthy amount of Fallout 4 this week. I think I need to start layering it in with something else or I’m going to burn out on it before I feel like I’m actually finished with it. On the plus side, playing it has also given me ideas for a couple of gaming essays? So that’s something. If I can get myself to write them and feel like they’re good at all oh god oh god…
  • I’ve been playing in a game of Pandemic Legacy with my boyfriend and a couple of our friends and that game is fucking hard. We lost last Sunday, but we’re giving it another crack today! Pray for us.

That’s about it, I think! How is everyone else doing? What did you get up to this week?

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