Melville, a very good and sweet boy.
A quick wrapup of what happened this week! I know you’re all very excited. Quivering with anticipation.
In no particular order:
- Did a couple of interviews!
- One was an initial discussion with Google. I’m now at the point where I need to schedule the more in-depth technical interview. I’m really nervous/intimidated, but I’m going to try my best! (And study. Because getting my coding skills dusted off will be important.)
- Another was an interview at a local bookstore. I’ll find out how that went next week. I was sick during the interview, which I’m sure colored my perception of it, but I get the impression it went okay-but-not-great. So I didn’t embarrass myself, but one of the other candidates will probably get the gig? We’ll find out! (FWIW I would like to work there, I think it would be a v. good experience.)
- Had a cold! This is a big part of why I was out of blogging for the back half of this last week. I’m finally on the mend, but I’m still shaking the tiredness that comes along with it.
- Saw some friends.
- Hung out with one of our snakes (Melville, pictured above) and he was very good. And the non-Jerry leopard gecko, Cardamom, who is a brave climber and very cute.
- Picked up coding in Java again. Wrote some v. basic programs myself to help remind myself of the syntax, and solved an interview-style problem from an online site.
- Went to Ada’s Technical Books, picked up Cracking the Coding Interview, and started reading it.
- Finally saw A Wrinkle in Time! It’s very good. Also Mindy Kaling is in it and is a fucking star the entire way through. The casting in general is absolutely top-notch and everyone nails their roles.
- Played more of Shadow of Mordor. I have feelings about this game, y’all. I’m looking forward to getting to write about them soon.
- It rained a lot. Rain is nice.
- Not a lot of writing got done this week. Sickness and lack of inspiration kind of conspired there. I’m hoping to get back on the horse again soon. I was doing really well this month until I got sick, though, so I’m hopeful. I think I need to outline a project for myself, though. There’s only so much completely-free writing I can do before I start floundering.
- My Facebook is officially gone. I don’t know if I mentioned that before. Downloading all the images I was tagged in was difficult, mostly because you have to do it manually. Also some of them reminded me of people I hadn’t seen in a long time so I had A Feeling. But now they are saved and it is done and I’m increasingly happy with this state of affairs.
- Looked longingly at images of Thinkpad X220s. Someday I will buy one and soup it up and make it my own. They seem like wonderful little machines, and like a very affordable upgrade to my Thinkpad 11e (3rd gen).
I think that’s it for now? This next week I’m hoping to get some long-running personal projects done, like decluttering the upstairs bedroom of my apartment and getting an art wall going there. There will be lots of coding studying, too. Gotta try my best! No matter the outcome I hope I keep it up. I’d forgotten how nice coding can be.
How were your weeks? Do anything fun? Have any master plans for the coming one?
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