Coming Soon

I gotta admit, I’m pretty excited these days. Well, as excited as I get. Which is usually about as much as molasses is fast. Still! A nice change from being frozen…molasses?

That broke down quickly.

Anyway! Some fun stuff coming soon:


I’ve started doing a podcast with my buddy Katy! It’s going to be about, well, sort of whatever. Usually a bit about what we’ve been up to lately, with a focus on reading, our writing, and exercising. Plus we’re answering questions every week, because why not?

You can find out more at the website, There’s a contact form there, too, if you want to submit a question. I’m almost done editing the first episode, but my little laptop couldn’t handle the processing needed to remove my goblin breathing from the silent bits. So that’ll need to get done at a different computer when I get a chance, but it should be soon! I’ll be sure to post here when it goes up.


As part of learning infosec, I’ve started going through the material for the Network+ CompTIA certification. Not out of any great love for the certification itself, but because I could use a refresher on the nuts and bolts of networking before I start digging in to how to break its security. Plus, getting the certification would a) look nice on a resume, and b) make it more likely I can get jobs in the interim that’ll still take me down that path.

I picked up Meyers’s All-in-One study book, which led me to undertake an oddyssey as I tried to break the DRM so I could read it in emacs. It’s my preferred word processor of choice for anything where layout isn’t super-important (like notes!), and I find I concentrate better when I’m using it, so making this happen was really important. In the end, it took many hours of struggling on linux and then about twenty minutes on a Windows PC (which the utilities in question were better designed for) to get it done. So now I have my book, I have a notes outline based off the official test objectives, and I have it all in my program of choice. I’m set, and I’m looking forward to properly diving in tomorrow.

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