Since the events of that last post, it’s been a bit of a rough week. While I no longer feel like my heart has been torn from my chest and ripped in half in front of me, there’s still a definite subtle-but-constant sadness going on. There are moments where it gets worse, but at least I’m now I’m more able to focus on the positive memories.
I’ve been getting a lot of help from the other wonderful animals in our household, so I wanted to talk about them a bit. Getting to know them better and their sweet personalities has been a good way to keep myself busy and heal a bit as I process Chrysanthemum’s death.
First we have Jerry, our geriatric leopard gecko. He is adorable and we just moved him up into the upstairs bedroom so it feels less lonely in there. I have also decided that he must be very wise, given that he is seventeen, so hopefully he will have plenty of sage advice for me. He also gets hilariously intense whenever he realizes there might be delicious bugs for him to eat, so watching him take a meal is always fun.
There’s also a new kid on the block that just got taken in yesterday. His name is Melville, and he’s a Children’s Python. We bought him from a family on Craigslist that didn’t feel they were taking good enough care of him, and while we weren’t initially sure about bringing in another snake so far it’s looking like a great decision. He’s incredibly chill and inquisitive, and a very gentle snake. I look forward to getting to know him better.
Blip is Peter’s betta fish, and has the honor of being the only non-reptile pet in the house. He is very enthusiastic whenever a food giant gets near his enclosure, and I do love watching him flap his little fins as he looks out, hoping that THIS time is the time we feed him. Even if we fed him five minutes ago.

Clyde exploring a paper towel roll. Bonnie declined to be photographed, instead hiding in his enclosure.
Bonnie and Clyde continue to still be Bonnie and Clyde. They’re feeling much better than they were, though, which is very good. They’re completely clean of disease and are eating well, so we’ll likely be adopting them out soon. If you want a great ball python and are in the general Seattle area, I’d be happy to talk about you taking one of them in!

Rigatoni is incredibly sweet. He was very skinny in this photo, but worry not, he’s filled out since then. 😀
And last but not least there’s Rigatoni. He’s been with us ever since we started this reptile adventure back in April, and he is still the sweetest of the noodles. I love handling him, as he’s incredibly brave and exploratory, while still being very gentle and hard to spook. He’s basically a sweet dog in snake form, complete with the most adorable face to prove it.
All of these wonderful animals have been helping me out in their own ways, mostly by being present. It helps the house feel less empty, and observing their behaviors and personalities is very fulfilling. I look forward to continuing to get to know them even better (even the ones I already know pretty well), and I’m so happy they’re here for me right now.
P.S. My human friends have also been great about everything. Thank you, human friends!
P.P.S. I also met this cat last night, who was snoozing in the window of Twice Sold Tales in Ballard, and wanted to share. A+ catting.
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