Another quick update right from my keyboard to your eyeballs. Your glistening eyeballs.
I probably shouldn’t write lines like that now that I’m hosting my (updated) portfolio on this site again. But if I didn’t write occasional strange sentences that I desperately hoped were funny into my blog posts, it wouldn’t feel like me.
Wait, portfolio, you ask?
Yep! I’ve started looking around for new jobs to do after the upcoming cluster server shutdown. Right now, I’ve been focusing on applying for the sorts of jobs I actually want to do, even though I might be more qualified for other work. You see, what I’d love to do is be in an art-focused field, preferably writing. I don’t mind if that writing deals with technical topics, or is even pure technical writing. I like bringing my skill set to bear to help people understand the technology they work with every day. What I don’t like doing is the raw coding of building that technology. Backend doesn’t interest me nearly as much as the front end of things, be that the writing that graces a web page, its graphic design, or its user interaction design. So I’ve been applying for jobs in those fields, mostly focusing right now on copywriting, writing, and editing gigs. If I get desperate, I’ll expand to doing coding work or more hardware maintenance, but for now I can afford to keep my search a little more narrow than I might if I was truly scrambling for a job.
I’ve got three applications in right now, and there’s one I’m particularly crossing my fingers for at a local nonprofit. So any good thoughts you could send my and the hiring manger’s way are appreciated!
This whole thing’s a new direction for me, but it’s one I’ve been thinking about for a long time. I’m working on building my skills, I’m applying to jobs, now I just have to hope everything lines up and something works out! Quite the adventure, and maybe a little risky, but it’s probably better than letting myself stagnate in jobs that pay decently but that I don’t enjoy.
So here’s hoping. Onwards into the job hunt, my the gods smile upon me this day.
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